Keeping track of my training events was difficult at times. Google for Education has made it easy by chaining the requirements which made it easy to create this Google Form/Sheets to keep track. Let me explain how it works.
- Make a copy of my tracker.
- Two files (Sheet & Form) will be created in your Google Drive with the names “Copy of Google Trainer…”.
- Rename & move those files for easy access.
- Edit your Form.
- Under Country: delete your country, create a new entry at top with the name of your country for easy access.
- USA only, under State: delete your state, create a new entry at top with the two letters of your stat for easy access.
- Under City/Town: add the primary city you train in where it shows “— Change This —“, add more towns if needed. Always keep Other available.
- Under Name of Venue or Location: Add any location where you normally train.
- “Get a pre-filled link” and fill it with the most common training parameters
- Select K12 or Higher Ed
- Select the country
- USA only, select the state
- Select the city
- IMPORTANT: Under “Area of Focus”, select “FALSE” for all.
- Select any other that you may think is common in your training.
- Click “Get Link”
- Click “Copy Link”
- Save the Pre-filled Link
- Paste it on the omnibox and bookmark it.
- Email it to yourself.
- Open it on your phone.
- Add it to your home screen.
- Use the Form
- There is less to fill out, make changes as needed.
- Use the training description as a link to the description if available online (i.e. Sched, etc.)
- IMPORTANT: Under “Area of Focus”, select “TRUE” for the areas of focus of that training only.
- Use the Sheet
- MADE A MISTAKE? Make changes in the “Adjustments” tab.
- Ready to submit? Open the “Turn This In” tab, [File] > [Download] > [Comma-separated values]
- After you submit, return to “Adjustments” and delete the rows which were submitted in. DO NOT delete the empty row.
- Submit your CSV.
- Go to the Edu Activity App
- Select Training Event
- Click on “Upload Multiple Training CSV”
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