Google Trainer Tracker Form

Keeping track of my training events was difficult at times. Google for Education has made it easy by chaining the requirements which made it easy to create this Google Form/Sheets to keep track. Let me explain how it works.

  1. Make a copy of my tracker.
  2. Two files (Sheet & Form) will be created in your Google Drive with the names “Copy of Google Trainer…”.
  3. Rename & move those files for easy access.
  4. Edit your Form.
    1. Under Country: delete your country, create a new entry at top with the name of your country for easy access.
    2. USA only, under State: delete your state, create a new entry at top with the two letters of your stat for easy access.
    3. Under City/Town: add the primary city you train in where it shows “— Change This —“, add more towns if needed. Always keep Other available.
    4. Under Name of Venue or Location: Add any location where you normally train.
  5. “Get a pre-filled link” and fill it with the most common training parameters
    1. Select K12 or Higher Ed
    2. Select the country 
    3. USA only, select the state
    4. Select the city
    5. IMPORTANT: Under “Area of Focus”, select “FALSE” for all.
    6. Select any other that you may think is common in your training.
    7. Click “Get Link”
    8. Click “Copy Link”
  6. Save the Pre-filled Link
    1. Paste it on the omnibox and bookmark it.
    2. Email it to yourself.
    3. Open it on your phone.
    4. Add it to your home screen.
  7. Use the Form
    1. There is less to fill out, make changes as needed.
    2. Use the training description as a link to the description if available online (i.e. Sched, etc.)
    3. IMPORTANT: Under “Area of Focus”, select “TRUE” for the areas of focus of that training only.
  8. Use the Sheet
    1. MADE A MISTAKE? Make changes in the “Adjustments” tab.
    2. Ready to submit? Open the “Turn This In” tab, [File] > [Download] > [Comma-separated values]
    3. After you submit, return to “Adjustments” and delete the rows which were submitted in. DO NOT delete the empty row.
  9. Submit your CSV.
    1. Go to the Edu Activity App
    2. Select Training Event
    3. Click on “Upload Multiple Training CSV”
